Tuesday, May 22, 2012


DAY 177

Today when the students entered the classroom, instead of having them write in their journals, I gave them a data collection sheet from....Deanna Jump's unit??  Or was it Kim Adsit's?  Or Ms. Pederson's?  I can't remember which because I am using activities from all of them.  ANYWHO....the children were to find out, "Do you like to swim in the pool or the ocean better?"  What you need to know is that the beach is about seven miles from our school!  The children LOVED collecting data, although I did have to stop them midway and tell them to stick with one answer and not change it for each person that asked. 

After the students finished writing names in the graph, they put tally marks in the corresponding boxes, and then wrote about their data.  They are STILL having so much trouble with "How many more?" types of questions.  I have had them stand in two lines and form arm bridges and the ones that are "left over" - nobody to make a bridge with - are the "MORE".  I showed them how they could make those bridges on paper with the two bars on the graph....Some just aren't ready, or I am not doing a good job with it.  Anyone have any other ideas?

One little funny....When the children asked me my preference, instead of writing my whole name, they decided to just call me "Mrs." like Junie B. Jones!  I kind of like that...I'm now, "Mrs."!

And in case you are wondering....13 preferred swimming in the pool, and 6 preferred swimming in the ocean.  Who would've thunk?!  I guess that's what happens when you live close to the beach and take it for granted...

Some of our ocean-themed activities:  A Home for Hermit Crab

Yo Ho, Yo Ho,
We're so cool.
We are pirates,
and we love school!

~ From Pirates Go to School by Corrine Demas

For more, please visit my class blog:
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  1. hi blogging friend passing to visit some other bloggers to invite you im having a tuesdays blog on tuesday...its nice to share with others God loves friendship and its a nice way to share about our faith and what God has done in our lifes..thank you if you join...blessings

  2. That graphing idea was from my Ocean Animals Unit! :) Thanks for sharing! http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Ocean-Animals-Math-and-Literacy-Activities-for-the-Common-Core

  3. Those pirates are stinkin' cute!!! We are your newest followers. Check us out if you get some time. :)

    1. We are also passing along the One Lovely Blog award to you. Stop by our page to get it.

  4. Love the pirates!! I am your newest follower. I would love to have you stop by and visit me.


  5. LOVE those pirates. I plan on doing a pirate week this year. I know what you mean about forgetting which packet you get something from, I always use a combo of a few and can't keep them straight sometimes. Always such great ideas on TpT!

    Your newest follower,

  6. Love your pirates and hermit crabs! They are adorable. I am your newest follower. Please check out my blog and follow it. I am a newbie blogger and would love to share ideas with you!
    Mrs. Janelle

  7. Hi! I have given you the One Lovely Blogger award over in my latest post, come check it out! :)

  8. تكميم المعدة من أبرز أنواع عمليات تكميم المعدة في مصر حيث تبدأ أسعارها من 32 ألف جنيه مصري. تتضمن العملية إزالة 80٪ من الحجم الكلي للمعدة ، ثم يتم غلق الجزء المتبقي بالتدبيس. يعتبر الدكتور أحمد عبد السلام أكثر الجراحين المؤهلين والشهيرة والأفضل لهذا الإجراء في مصر. يتم إجراؤه بالمنظار باستخدام تلسكوب عالي الدقة ومعدات حديثة. يتم تحديد سعر الإجراء من خلال عوامل مختلفة ، مثل طريقة إجراء الجراحة وخبرة الطبيب. قبل الإجراء ، يلزم إجراء فحص كامل لصورة الدم.
